0XC0000142 error occurs while PC is running games or apps: how to correct it

Windows operating system is user-oriented with its graphical interface, which is quite easy to deal with. But when it comes to Windows errors, not every computer administrator will be able to tell straight away what causes those. Error 0xc0000142 that may occur while you are trying to start a game or an application is one of the most common problems that can appear due to a variety of factors. In this article, we will tell you how to fix the error 0xc0000142 when launching applications, and what causes this error in most cases.

Table of contents:
1. Applicaton error 0XC0000142: main causes
2. How to correct error 0XC0000142 that occurs when application starts

Applicaton error 0XC0000142: main causes

Absolutely any computer user may encounter error 0xc0000142, since the sphere of its manifestation is quite large. Most often, error 0xc0000142 occurs when you start a game or application due to the absence of some certain libraries in the Windows operating system or the inability to access them for one or another reason. However, downloading files from the Internet does not help to solve this problem.

If the error 0xc0000142 occurred when you were trying to start a game or a program, it could be for one of the following reasons:

  • Your computer has virus software that does not allow the application to access Windows libraries;
  • Files, libraries, drivers or system components required to run a program or game are damaged;
  • Application you are trying to run is incompatible with the current version of the operating system;
  • There are problems with the RAM or the voltage that flows to the computer components from the power supply unit;
  • BIOS on the motherboard is configured incorrectly, which leads to a conflict of computer components and as a result to error 0xc0000142;
  • The hard drive has a large number of “broken” areas.

Above we mentioned only the most common problems that may lead to error 0xc0000142. In fact, such a malfunction can be caused by a lot of factors, including errors that come from Microsoft when updating Windows, which may to a conflict between the application and the operating system.

How to correct error 0XC0000142 that occurs when application starts

As it was already noted above, it is impossible to unambiguously determine the reason for the error 0xc0000142. That is why below there will be a list of recommendations on how to eliminate it, which should be carried out consistently. After completing each item, try running a program or game that signals an error 0xc0000142. If the launch occurred without any problems, the next tips may not be followed, otherwise continue to experiment.

To fix the error 0xc0000142, do the following:

  1. The first thing you need to try is performing system recovery, which helps in most cases. The problem is that not all Windows users are creating restore points. If it is not possible to restore the operating system or if your attempts led to nothing, go to the next step;
  2. Update your DirectX and NET Framework drivers on your computer to the latest versions. Often the error 0xc0000142 occurs when you start a modern game that requires new driver versions. They can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft website. Also try updating your GPU drivers by downloading them from the manufacturer’s official website;
  3. It is possible that when installing the application or the game there were failures that led to file corruption, which causes an error 0xc0000142. To prevent this situation, try reinstalling a program that does not work and signals a malfunction;
  4. You cannot exclude viruses that could delete important files or block access to certain libraries for applications. To fix error 0xc0000142, try checking your computer with any antivirus, we recommend using the free utility Dr.Web CureIt;
Important note:

If, during the antivirus check, suspicious files were indeed found, the probability that they damaged important system libraries cannot be excluded. You can restore them without reinstalling Windows. To do this, simply start the operating system in safe mode with command line support and enter sfc / scannow in it. This command is used to check the integrity of the operating system files. If the system utility finds problems, they will be fixed and the missing files will be restored.

  1. Run the application or game as administrator. You can also try to configure their compatibility. To do this, right-click on the shortcut, go to the Compatibility tab and select the compatibility mode with an earlier version of the operating system. For example, if the error 0xc0000142 manifests itself on Windows 10, try running the program in compatibility mode with Windows 7 or Windows XP SP3. It is also good to test all compatibility options before proceeding to the next step;

  1. Cleaning computer from temporary files may also help to fix error 0xc0000142. To do this, turn on in the “Control Panel” or directly in the folder the mode of viewing hidden files and find the Temp folder at: System_Disk / Windows / Temp. Delete all items from this folder;
  2. Try turning off your computer and disconnecting the power cable from the power supply. Leave your PC to stay in that condition for 24 hours, and then re-connect the battery and boot up the system. There are cases when such a PSU “discharge” helps to solve the problem.

If you did not manage to correct the error 0xc0000142 using any of the above methods, it is likely that the reason could be in the incompatibility of the program or game with specific system components or their malfunctioning. If several applications on the computer are reporting the error 0xc0000142 at once, try updating BIOS, and then experiment with connecting and disconnecting PC parts.