Laptop is strongly overheating – what should i do

Despite their small size many laptops are not less productive than a regular personal computers. But it is not enough to stuff a laptop with some useful hardware – it is also very important to make sure that the cooling system is thoughtfully configured. Otherwise it may easily become a source of all sorts of problems. Unfortunately not every manufacturer is paying enough attention to this point . So many users have to face the same trouble – their laptops are getting overheated easily. And overheating may lead to many complications including spontaneous restarting and even complete combustion of the laptop. In this article we will try to find out what has to be done if the laptop is overheating.

Table of contents:
1. Why laptop is strongly overheating
2. What should i do if my laptop is seriously overheated

Why laptop is strongly overheating

Main reason that leads to the laptop overheating during the working process is a mechanical clogging of the cooling system with dust. This happens because during the working process computer takes a lot of air inside and with this air comes a lot of dust that later on will stuck to the parts of a cooling system.

Another reason for the laptop to be constantly overheated is a cooling system malfunction. For example the fan might get broken or the tubes that suppose to take the heat away from processor may get burned out.


Some Chinese laptop manufacturers are not testing their products well enough before releasing them to the market. Some of them install cooling systems of a low quality. So this cooling systems are not actually able to cool the hardware properly. This leads to the situation when heat removal tubes are getting burned out because of the high temperature so the whole cooling system later on can not function properly.

There are also less common reasons for the laptop to get overheated such as:

  • Very high temperature in the room where the laptop is working. If the cooling system during it’s work picks up hot air, it will not be able to cool the laptop components well enough. So one needs to make sure his laptop is not situated beside any heating devices: tubes with hot water, fireplaces or other sources of heat. It is important to remember that in winter the average room temperatures are usually lower than in summer. So during cold months you may not have any troubles with your laptop overheating while in summer they will appear suddenly;
  • Constant overloading of your laptop with productive tasks. If the laptop is always working “on the edge” it’s cooling system may not be able to cope with the load. You need to always monitor the amount of tasks your laptop is given. It is not recommended to start at once several programs that are taking up too much of resources or play heavy computer games for a long time because they will require too much power;
  • Constant file moving. This problem is especially relevant for the cheap laptops which have a low speed hard disks. If files will be moved there constantly it will little by little lead to the drive overheating. For example this problem may appear if data is being downloaded from the computer through the torrent. That is why it is recommended to turn off torrent distribution to prevent this kind of malfunction.

As we can see from the information above some of malfunction causes can be easily eliminated by any laptop user just by changing his ways of using his own computer and without interfering the hardware. But fighting the most common problems will sure take some effort.

What should i do if my laptop is seriously overheated

Laptop overheating is a very serious problem. It may even lead to some considerable damage of the hardware. As we already mentioned above for example the heat removal tubes may burn out and this is not the biggest possible trouble. Strong overheating may get your processor or video card burned. To prevent this from happening it is better to get busy with some preventive measures at the very first signs of laptop overheating:

  • Clean your laptop. It is not a very easy procedure but still it can be done even at home. You will just need some certain tools. While cleaning your laptop you will need not only to get rid of the dust in the cooling system but also to replace thermal grease on the processor. Thing is that very often laptop manufacturers are using thermal grease of a quite low quality and it serves well only for one or two years. We recommend to use Youtube videos exactly for your laptop model to open it up and clean. You can easily find this kind of videos online. But if you do not want to risk it, just give your laptop to any computer repairing service and cleaning will be done there by experienced professionals;
  • Use the cooling pad. If your computer is often loaded with many tasks we recommend you to buy a special pad that allows air to circulate freely between the surface were your laptop stands and it’s cooling system openings. Some cooling pads have extra fan for even more effective cooling process;
  • Do not put your working laptop on any soft surfaces. Many users have problems with their laptops exactly because the cooling system openings are shut at the soft surface. If the cooling openings will be shut regularly and often, it will certainly lead to the cooling system malfunction and overheat your laptop in no time.

Experts recommend to clean your laptop from the dust not less than once a year. And if you use your laptop intensively it will be better to clean it even more often.