Requested operation requires elevation Windows 10

Almost any user from time to tome has to deal with various errors while working with Windows 10. But these errors are not always a sign of virus attacking your computer. Pretty often errors occur due to the incorrect operation of some applications or to compatibility problems. The error “requested operation requires elevation” (which may also appear under code 740) indicates that a malfunction occurred during the operation of an application. In this article we are going to tell you how to correct such an error.

Table of contents:
1. Where the “requested operation requires elevation” error comes from
2. The “requested operation requires elevation” error when running the downloaded file
3. What to do if the” requested operation requires elevation”
4. Other causes of the “requested operation requires elevation” error


Most often, the problem in question occurs at the start of some new process (for example, loading a program or a program installer). In ordinary cases, the cause of its occurrence is in the insufficient rights of a particular user who launched the program. This means that it will be enough to switch to the administrator’s account to correct the error. But there are also situations when even the administrator faces this problem. Let’s discuss in detail what to do in such cases.


It is quite a typical problem – when the error in question occurs with newly downloaded files. For example, you downloaded some software from the Microsoft website, run it for installation, but here you are facing error 740. This problem may occur if you run the installer directly from the browser. Try to go to the folder with the downloaded files and run the downloaded file from there.

This problem is caused by the fact that when you run the file directly from the browser, it often happens under the rights of a normal user even if at the moment you are using the administrator’s profile. For example, this situation is typical when you run your files from the Microsoft Edge browser.

Please note
If the error “requested operation requires elevation” occurs when you are simply trying to run the downloaded file from the folder, try running it as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the file and select “Run this program as an administrator”. But at the same time you must make sure that the file is “clean”, we recommend that you check it with antivirus first.


If you are facing this error not while you are trying to run the newly downloaded file, you can try some other ways to solve the problem.

Some users check the “Run this program as an administrator” item by default in the program properties. This may be necessary, for example, when the application refuses to work, if it is not run regularly on behalf of the administrator. If this item is checked, the “requested operation requires elevation” error may occur when accessing the explorer context menu. This is due to the fact that explorer automatically runs executable files by default as a normal user and cannot execute the installed startup property on behalf of the administrator.

In this situation, the solution will be to remove the checkmark from the “Run this program as an administrator” item in the properties.

Please note

If the forced run as administrator is not installed in the program properties, but the error still occurs, you can try, on the contrary, to check the “Run this program as an administrator” option.


If the program is run from under another program, user may face the error in question. For example when a separate launcher program is used to run an application (or a game). Or, when after installing one application it launches automatically the installation of another one. This often happens during the game installation, when after installation of the main packages the DirectX installer and other components are launched too.

To solve this problem, you may try:

  • Independently run the executable file from the explorer, bypassing the additional “program layer”. In a situation where the “requested operation requires elevation” error occurs after the game installation, you should go to the installation files folder and manually start the installation of DirectX or other necessary components;
  • Run the application as administrator, as described above.

It is worth noting that you may face the 740 error when storing certain files. This problem occurs when you are trying to save files to a user folder (music, documents, images, and so on). In this situation, you can solve the problem if you specify a different folder for saving.