SSD cannot initialize

Solid State Drives (SSDs) are installed in almost every modern PC or laptop. Whereas back in 2016, they were considered a novelty we can now safely say that SSD is one of the most revolutionary technologies in computer hardware.

But along with the massive popularity of SSDs there came some problems, which is quite natural. Some users, after installing the SSD or even after working with it for some time, may encounter an error when the SSD does not initialize. In this article we will take a look at causes that might be behind this problem as well as at the ways to eliminate it.

Table of contents:
1. Hardware problems 
2. Software problems

Hardware problems

Most often than not a particular SSD cannot initialize due to hardware errors. This means that there are some problems either with the drive itself or with its connection. Since most likely you are not going to be able to repair the SSD on your own (unless you are an experienced technician) it is probably best to contact the service centre. But before you do that perhaps it’s going to be wise to try and check if the problem is occurring because of some simple connection issue. If the SSD does not initialize due to connection problems, you need to try connecting it to the computer through a different connector. For example, try a free SATA connector on your motherboard or another USB port for an external SSD.

Please note: The connection problem that causes SSD initialization error may occur not just and only when the device is connected to the PC or laptop for the first time. It cannot be ruled out that the specific connector to which the SSD is connected has failed during operation.

If the initialization error was resolved by plugging the USB into a different connector, the original connector is likely damaged. If it is a USB connector that is not soldered to the motherboard, it can be unplugged and replaced. The situation where the soldered motherboard connector is faulty is certainly much more unpleasant. It is recommended that you take urgent steps to create a system backup and then repair the motherboard before it completely fails.

It is worth noting that in some cases, it is possible to solve the SSD initializing problem by replacing the currently used connection wire.

Software problems

Software problems that may possibly lead to SSD initialization failure are usually of two types.

The first type is the firmware errors of the device itself. These kinds of problems can be solved in specialized service centers that repair SSDs. It will be difficult to fix this problem on your own, but you can try to search for instructions specifically for your SSD model on special forums or websites. However this is relevant only for popular SSD models, for the more rare ones it is almost impossible to find such instructions.

The second type is driver errors on the computer. Your particular driver might be incompatible with your SSD which may very well lead to an initialization problem. Most often, the error is related to the motherboard drivers. Make sure you have the latest drivers for all components of your PC or laptop. And if you don’t – then make sure to update your drivers and restart your computer. It is highly likely that the SSD initialization error will be resolved after this successfully.