Turn off notifications on iPhone

IPhone notifications at times can be quite distracting. Therefore, people who are striving for digital minimization and creating a comfortable atmosphere for themselves often think about setting up notifications in a way that they will not be disturbing. This article will help you turn off iPhone notifications for certain applications or even completely. We’ll also take a look at how to mute notiffications on iPhone.

How to completely turn off iPhone notifications

Important note: Disabling notifications on the iPhone completely, you risk missing important messages from messengers and social networks.

You can turn off iPhone notifications completely using settings. Open them and go to the “Notifications” section.

Select “Show Previews”.

And select option “Never”.

This will prevent previews from appearing on the notification screen.

Please note: This option is used for all applications. You can still separately configure it only for the selected ones.

Now go to the “Notifications” section of each application and turn off the “Allow Notifications” switch – it is located at the top. For example, go to the “Home app”.

And deactivate the switch.

In this simple way, you can turn off notifications from all iPhone applications, including the built-in ones.

How to mute iPhone notifications

While notifications themselves may not be overly disturbing for the user, the sound that they produce might become quite a distraction. To turn it off, open iPhone settings and go to the “Sounds” section.

Select “Reminder Alerts”.

Click “None” in the list of available notification tones.

Now notifications will be received on your iPhone without making a sound.

How to set up application notifications on iPhone

IPhone apps have two levels of notification settings. One level is inside the application itself. And the other is in the operating system settings for a particular application.

Important note: iPhone notification settings for the application are more important than the settings in the application itself.

To completely prohibit an iPhone application from sending notifications, you need to go to the settings, then select the “Notifications” item, click on a specific application and deactivate the “Allow notifications” switch.

After that, the application will no longer be able to send notifications, no matter what settings are configured in it.

Some detailed notification settings can be set at the application level. For example, in the application settings, you can specify under which circumstances notifications will be allowed.

Some applications (for example, Telegram) allow you to customize the sound for specific notifications, but you can only use tones available in the operating system.

Setting up iPhone notifications correctly will help you to significantly reduce the number of unnecessary messages that otherwise you will have to pay attention to.